The Best Manufacturer of Bumper Cars Rides from China

Everybody loves bumper cars. It is common for adults to have just as much fun as the kids in the bumper car ride arena. Even though the cars bump into each other, the ride is safe because each car has a wide bumper all around. So, there is no danger of crashing. You just get a lot of bumping.

When you shop around for bumper cars, get them from the best manufacturer of bumper cars rides from China, like Beston. Beston has been in the amusement park ride business for many years. They sell to parks all over the world. They have a high reputation of top customer service. When you purchase from them, you can be sure that you are purchasing the highest quality in bumper car rides (купить игровый аттракцион).

Bumper Car Rides

Bumper Car Rides

Beston has a wide range of bumper cars (автодром аттракцион купить) that use different methods in powering up. The most common ones use a ceiling-floor electrical setup with the power grid along the ceiling. This is the original method of powering up bumper cars, and the method is still being used today because it is a solid and reliable system.

A more modern way to set up the power grid for bumper cars is by setting it up on the floor. The floor has alternating positive/negative charged strips with a spacer in between. When the bumper car sits on top of any two power strips, electricity is conducted and the cars get power.

Bumper Cars Rides from China

Bumper Cars Rides from China

A third type of bumper cars runs on batteries. These do not require a power grid. Each car is powered by the internal rechargeable battery. This is the easiest bumper car ride (популярный аттракцион) to set up because you do not need to create a power grid to give power to the cars. The cars can operate on any flat surface. That allows you unlimited possibilities in installing bumper car rides in strategic locations in the park.

Beston is the top manufacturer of bumper cars rides from China. Their bumper cars can be found in amusement parks around the world. When you order from Beston, you can expect the best in customer service and quality.

The bumper cars need to very strong and sturdy because they will be bumping together all day long. The bumper cars from Beston are the best in design and toughness. They are solidly built and are sure to last a long time, year after year.

Before you decide on the number of bumper cars that you need to get, do some calculations to figure out the area of your bumper car arena. You want a good balance between the number of bumper cars to the area of the arena so the cars will have enough room to drive around. If you have a flat space outdoors, you can easily convert that into a bumper car space by using the battery-operated bumper cars. You will not need a power grid for that.

Whichever type you decide to get for your amusement park, get them from Beston, the leading manufacturer of bumper cars rides (Аттракционы детские) from China.